DATE: 2021/10/14

Technical Skills | Identification Column of SEER Intelligent: Pedestrian Follow

Ⅰ. Why is the function of pedestrian follow needed?

In some scenes of human-machine mixed work, an AGV that can automatically follow people is needed. When people stop to select products, the AGV can also automatically stop to pick up the goods, which is convenient for handling and fast picking and releasing goods, which can free up manpower!

Ⅱ. Pedestrian following methods of SEER Intelligent

Pedestrians can be followed in two ways: using reflective stickers and not using reflective stickers.

Use reflective stickers:

Reflective sticker is a common material with high reflection intensity. The commonly used 3M reflective sticker is shown in the figure below:

When using it, you only need to stick a reflective sticker on the pedestrian at the same level as the laser radar and configure it on our Roboshop Pro software. The configuration is as follows:

First, find the l0001 file under the leg directory in the identification editor, see the part pointed by the red arrow in the above figure; then select method_type on the right side of the above figure as by_reflector, and configure the two parameters min-width and max-width, which are set as the minimum and maximum widths of the reflective stickers. Only reflective stickers identified within this range will be tracked; after setting, you need to click Push All to synchronize the parameters to the AGV control box.

Do not use reflective stickers:

Pedestrians can also follow without the reflective stickers. You only need to configure the corresponding configuration on our Roboshop Pro software. The configuration is as follows:

First, find the l0001 file in the leg directory in the identification editor, see the part pointed by the red arrow in the figure above; then select method_type on the right side of the figure to be by_legShape, and configure min-width, max-width, and max distance. These three parameters are set as the minimum and maximum width of the legs and the distance between the legs. After setting, you need to click Push All to synchronize the parameters to the AGV control box.

Configuration of identification range:

When using the function of pedestrian follow, you need to limit the laser identification range. The configuration is as follows:

ValidLegAngleThesh: threshold of identification distance, the farthest identification threshold in the car body coordinate system;

ValidLegRangeThesh: threshold of identification angle, the maximum identification angle in the car body coordinate system (this parameter is only valid in by_legShape mode).

Note: The vehicle reference frame is a right-handed coordinate system, that is, the front is the X positive direction, and the positive left is the Y positive direction.

Other instructions:

To enable the follow mode, just click the "Enable follow" button on Roboshop Pro to realize the follow mode, as shown in the figure below:

To close the follow mode, you also need to click the "Close follow" button.

When the environment is more complex, such as an environment with more pedestrians or more human-like legs, you need to adopt the by_reflector mode, which can avoid interference to a limited extent.