DATE: 2022/08/04

Bucking the downward trend! SEER is working to further develop its product portfolio strategy for integrators

Over the past six months, there have been many companies under intense survival pressure as a result of the epidemic, but there are still plenty of opportunities and challenges in the market. SEER has played a good hand in bucking the downward trend with its reliable products, innovative thinking, and strategic positioning.

SEER has multiple-fold growth in both order volume and order value and successfully empowered more than 200 integrators in building AMRs on their own, propelling the mobile robot industry as a whole.

Due to its increasingly marked market strategy, SEER is able to buck the downward trend by offering product portfolio for integrators with AMR controllers, mobile robots and digital software. Customer groups are clearer. SEER serves as the driving force behind the growth of integrators; the product + service model is more self-evident. The combination of hardware and software shows SEER’s industrial and technological advantages.

I. The industrial scenarios are completely customized to cater to a sizable market of integrators

A thorough analysis of the intelligent manufacturing industry and SEER’s practical experience in serving nearly 1,000 partners in the past years show that there aren’t any two work scenarios that are exactly the same, nor is there a model for a supposedly standard logistics solution for factories. Even for production factories of the same industry, there are significant differences in the scenario demands.

The customized character of terminal factory scenarios necessitates a tailored implementation plan for each project, which gives birth to the widespread existence of integrators in the industry. Integrators play a crucial role in the intelligent and automation transformation and development of the intelligent manufacturing industry as they integrate different products to deliver industrial solutions on the upstream side and apply hardware and software to terminal factories on the downstream side. They tailor and implement solutions for specific scenarios.

To sum up, integrators are a part of the vertically integrated business model that grows the industry to depth, whereas there are product companies in the market that are a part of the horizontally integrated business model. These companies, unlike integrators, do not concentrate on the deep and vertical development of a certain industry, but rather use their technical power to enhance the market competitiveness of their products.

SEER just follows the horizontally integrated development model. Based on its solid technical background and capabilities of product definition and development, SEER has created hardware products + digital software systems centered on controllers to provide integrators with more cutting-edge and comprehensive products + services.

II. SEER redefines standardized products and precisely addresses integrators’ pain points

SEER has consistently followed the product development concept of “Standardized Products, Customized Applications” in the face of customized scenarios. How can standardized products respond to different scenarios? In fact, this standardized product is not the so-called standardized product.

By analogy with mathematical definitions, the standardized product in the general sense is the “greatest common divisor”, whereas the standardized product in SEER’s view is the “least common multiple”. Standardized products, in the general sense, are not modifiable or customizable; however, SEER’s standardized products allow for modifications and are easy to use on top of being feature-rich. Rich functionality is critical to customers, but the ease of operation is just as crucial.

SEER’s standardized products are truly customer-based, allowing them to create their own - “I define the product I desire”.

The mismatch between traditional standard implementation solutions and factory actualities has been cited by many customers of SEER as the biggest pain point they had in the past. Due to technical issues and market conditions, factories have limited options and may only adapt with implementation solutions, resulting in a substantial rise in time and labor costs.

Despite the fact that the market is flooded with integrators, it is difficult to escape the aforementioned issue. The major obstacle to the rapid deployment of integrators today is not the high price of products, unstable quality, or long delivery cycle, but rather how to achieve unified dispatch of diverse types of robots produced by different manufacturers. How can robots and customers’ operation systems be swiftly connected?

III. SEER’s “3+2” products and services empower sustainable development of integrators

If the redefinition of standardized products is the key to SEER’s breakthrough, then the overall service mindset, the availability of a mix of hardware and software products, and the addition of supporting services like knowledge base + training are essential for SEER to achieve sustainable development and win customers based on “products + services”.

SEER offers integrators not only a product portfolio of “controllers + mix of robots + software tools for rapid deployment”, but also a “knowledge base + training and certification” package, which will be a vital support for integrators to achieve implementation terminal factories.

Three core products: controllers + AMRs combination + digital software

1.1 Controllers: Powerful, easy to build your “own” AMRs

SEER SRC series core controllers have been developed into a complete line of controllers, including the entry-level controller SRC-800, the standard functional controller SRC-2000, and the functional safety controller SRC-3000FS. They have four core advantages: standardized hardware and software, suitable for a variety of motion models; super adaptability, allowing for compatibility with major core component brands; support for multiple vehicle models and complex scenarios; responsiveness to non-standard needs with flexibility.

On top of the powerful features, AMR manufacturing is made easier for customers with SEER controllers. Integrators can use SEER controllers to build distinct AMRs that terminal factory customers desire, adapt them to different scenarios and satisfy non-standard requirements. SEER offers integrators a complete range of technical services, including hardware, software, technical solutions for car building, model selection and commissioning guides, as well as training, and service, in addition to a controller. SEER removes all barriers to integrators in building AMRs.

1.2 AMR: Adaptability to a variety of vehicle models and allow for easy dispatch

In addition to controllers, SEER also offers a portfolio of AMR products. These AMRs are built by numerous integrators using SEER controllers for diverse scenarios, and create a library of SEER-based vehicle models that in turn, satisfy the demands of more integrators. SEER serves as a showcase platform for not only displaying AMRs created by numerous integrators, but also as a channel for other integrators to acquire AMRs.

On the basis of SEER controllers, all models of AMRs may be simply dispatched as a group, enabling integrators to solve the issue of unified dispatching of diverse types of robots in factories.

1.3 Digital software: Rapid deployment, serving as a bridge between upstream and downstream demands

SEER’s product portfolio includes not only a series of hardware products based on SEER controllers, but also a series of digital software products that connect upwards to various customers’ work systems and downwards to all kinds of AMRs, allowing integrators to implement and complete field deployments more quickly. They include Roboshop Pro, a one-stop implementation tool; RDS, a unified resource dispatch system; MWMS, a warehouse logistics management system; Meta-V, a data visualization system; and RoboView, a visual AI solution.

The key highlights of all SEER software systems are that they are “powerful and simple to use”.

Graduates with backgrounds in science and engineering can learn to design and deploy SEER software swiftly within a week, saving integrators a lot of labor costs; Roboshop Pro allows for low-code development, enabling integrators to make secondary creations and tailored implementation solutions depending on different customer circumstances. This allows rapid and seamless integration of AMRs with customers’ operation systems. RDS makes it possible to dispatch AMRs of different types and manufacturers in order to satisfy the integrator’s demands for unified AMR dispatch.

Two supporting services: knowledge base + training certification

The product portfolio is vital for SEER to gain a foothold in the market. In addition to enhancing the product vulnerability, the back-end services are also critical to customer repurchase. SEER’s product repurchase rate topped 60% in the first half of this year, and this is closely related to SEER’s two service systems.

SEER has exported a complete knowledge base system with extensive technical coverage and open documentation. SEER has also developed a training and certification mechanism. Integrator customers will receive professional face-to-face technical training from SEER and be awarded certificates after the training. SEER will remain effective at answering questions and delivering prompt service whenever needed. Through a comprehensive service system, SEER is dedicated to enhancing the technical proficiency and professional standing of the integrator’s implementation staff and empowering the execution of terminal projects.

Technical power and a comprehensive product + service system enable SEER to constantly adapt to the market, update products, and innovate services. SEER always cares for intelligent manufacturing integrators and provides them with product portfolios centered on intelligent controllers and digital software. The “3 + 2” composite model empowers integrators and propels the substantial development of intelligent manufacturing.